Excerpts from " Bandyville School History " Williamson County Illinois Historical Society Bandyville School, district 24, in section 28 of Herrin Township on the county paved road between Herrin and Johnston City, took its name from the pioneer Bandy family. Perrine and John W. Bandy made their land entries in 1836 on parts of section 20. Cynthia Bandy made an entry in 1840 to complete the family holdings in the section. William P. Bandy was a soldier in Captain John M. Cunning- ham’s company during the Mexican war. Perrine Bandy was a school trustee until his death in 1838. With Dudley Duncan and Jesse Spiller he supervised section 16 of Herrin Township, the school lands granted by congress. Manuel Hunter, whose daughter lived on Bear Creek, succeeded Mr. Bandy in this office. School was first held about 1868 in a log house one-quarter mile north and east of the present site. [...] Wilshire and Wesley Bandy represented their family in the neighborhood during the s...
Genealogy research for my adopted child